Rice, Ricotta and Apricot Strudel
(Recipe for 4 people)
Original rice gr. 100
Flour gr. 150
Butter gr. 50
Eggs n. 1
Sugar gr. 30
Apricots gr. 500
Ricotta cheese gr. 130
Butter gr. 50
Cinnamon gr. 3
6 dried macaroons
Lemon peel
Toasted almonds gr. 100
Make a dough with the flour, butter, sugar and egg. Knead the dough and with a rolling pin roll it out several times, folding it into several layers and let it rest in the fridge 10 minutes at a time, repeating this operation 7 times.
Cook the rice in plenty of water for 25 minutes, drain and cool. Cook the pitted apricots with the sugar, cinnamon and lemon peel for about 20 minutes, let cool and mix with the ricotta. Roll out the pastry and lay the apricots on it, sprinkle with almonds and rice, sprinkle with macaroons and pour half of the melted butter on top.
Roll up the pastry and brush it with the remaining butter. Place the strudel in a baking dish and bake it at 150° for about 30 minutes. Serve warm.