Cologne hosts 2nd European Sustainable Rice Workshop

Cologne hosts 2nd European Sustainable Rice Workshop

Cologne hosts 2nd European Sustainable Rice Workshop

20 March 2023 – from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Marriott Hotels – Johannisstraße 76-80, Cologne

After Berlin, Cologne will bethe next city in Germany to host the second workshop dedicated to European sustainable rice. The meeting, aimed at food media, food influencers, chefs, gastronomy and catering professionals, agronomists and researchers, will be held on 20 March at 11 a.m. at the Hotel Marriott (Johannisstraße 76-80).

The first part of the meeting, by Eleonora Miniotti, agronomist at the Ente Nazionale Risi research centre, will be dedicated to illustrating agronomic practices and production techniques for rice grown in Europe, closely linked to the issue of sustainability. Dr Miniotti’s talk will also focus on the efficient use of water resources in rice fields, an aspect that has become crucial in the light of recent environmental emergencies caused by climate change.

The second speech of the morning will be given by Bertrand Mazel, president of SRFF – Syndicat des Riziculteurs de France et Filière, who will focus on the valuable contribution of cultivation in preserving the rice paddy ecosystem and protecting its animal and plant biodiversity.

Finally, there will be a presentation by Pedro Monteiro, Vice-President of Casa do Arroz – Associaçao Interprofissional do Arroz, in which the production in the three main European markets will be examined in depth, starting with the traceability and transparency of the supply chain and ending with the controls that guarantee food safety and wholesomeness of the product.

At the end of the contributions there will also be a show-cooking during which the chef will present the main steps for the realisation of three recipes: saffron risotto with sausage for Italy, black rice with asparagus and goat cheese for France and arroz-doce for Portugal. The demonstration will be an opportunity to describe the different flavours, textures and aromas of the different varieties, highlighting the gastronomic potential of EU-made rice.

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