3rd European Sustainable Rice Workshop in Frankfurt
21 February 2024 – 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Hotel Melià Frankfurt City – Senckenberganlage 13 Frankfurt am Main
After Berlin and Cologne, the third event in the series of workshops dedicated to sustainable European rice will be held at the Hotel Melià Frankfurt City in Frankfurt on 21 February 2024.
Dr. Fabio Mazza, agronomist at the Rice Research Centre of the Ente Nazionale Risi, will open the workshop with his talk focusing on agronomic practices and production techniques for rice grown in Europe, during which he will also discuss the efficient use of water resources in rice fields, an aspect that has become crucial in the light of recent environmental emergencies caused by climate change.
The role of rice cultivation in preserving the ecosystem and protecting animal and plant biodiversity will instead be the main theme of the contribution by Bertrand Mazel, president of SRFF – Syndicat des Riziculteurs de France et Filière.
Lastly, Pedro Monteiro, President of Casa do Arroz – Associaçao Interprofissional do Arroz, will illustrate the data on rice production in the three main European markets – Italy, France and Portugal – and in the world, starting with the traceability and transparency of the supply chain and ending with the controls that guarantee food safety and the wholesomeness of the product.
At the end of the three speeches, a show-cooking will take place during which a chef will present the main steps of three recipes that will highlight the characteristics of three different varieties of rice: saffron Carnaroli risotto with barbecue duck, olive and amaretti crumble and hazelnut caviar; riz rouge with melon gazpacho, vegetables in osmosis and giardiniera in three consistencies; and crispy Carolino rice with rosemary octopus bolognese, basil mousse and smoked cauliflower.